Monday, April 27, 2015

My Best April 2015 !

Nothing can describe my best april of 2015.
I would like to said that the best month i have along my 21 years.
Feeling blessed and happiness !
My very first flight to go to sabah;
My very first time to involve myself in snorkeling which i not dare to try before this.
The best moment i been to sabah-you can see clearly the ending of sunset in the short of distance.Its amazing enough for you to relaxed over there !No setting up plan,no 3d ,no detailing ,no job!Away from the hustle bustle city and all the stressful living and chill out myself there !
yes.I love sabah indeed !everyone there is relaxed and patience.No one will hon you like in malaysia when you drive slowly on the road.Their lifestyle is abit different from us.

What to said,snorkeling become one of my favorite sport right now.I do feel the peace when i was diving into the water.The only sound you can hear is the flew of sand under the water and you saw all the fish swimming around you and the beautiful coral !Good exploring i been !but the only thing I hated is I  having motion sickness so i cannot go very far due to the reason of water wave is getting bigger which caused me vomit.But nothing gonna to change my dedication to explore futher.I will be back again!
The next i'm going to introduce is Food over there!yummy yummy and yummy !food there are making me so exicited which i cannot found it in kuala lumpur.we Craving alot of seafood,various type of bread,pork and so on.Super delicious !There is another food heaven rather than in kl !*only the few photo will be uploaded=)


This will be my second greatest moment! sunset bar !
having a whiskey + coke while enjoying the sunset !The best moment !very best !
Haha !Dont forgot the main purpose of sabah trip is actually visit the work done as i involve a project before this!Yeah, touching indeed !My very first project during my internship and is complete !My very frst time to see the actual outcome after so many drawing i drawn before.Appreciate my internship company giving me the chance to join their team!It means so much to me!**more photo will be upload soon.
 imago everrise kota kinabalu
 So much gratitude thay I can having the sabah trip with yb gang although i no longer working there !thanks for the good care are given to me =)


 full of surprise for my month of april 2015.
I will keep all the best memories until the end of life !
sabah is the first step of exploring and i believe that it would be more and more coming soon.
Thanks for making me happy .
April grow me alots
i'm going to start my new phase in life.
Life have no second choice.
Take the challenges and grab all the experience you can get
Yes.I start it right now !
start my april with the convocation and achievement,
end my april with sabah trip and those great moment and experience !
I love my life !
Thanks you April!


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