Monday, April 27, 2015

My Best April 2015 !

Nothing can describe my best april of 2015.
I would like to said that the best month i have along my 21 years.
Feeling blessed and happiness !
My very first flight to go to sabah;
My very first time to involve myself in snorkeling which i not dare to try before this.
The best moment i been to sabah-you can see clearly the ending of sunset in the short of distance.Its amazing enough for you to relaxed over there !No setting up plan,no 3d ,no detailing ,no job!Away from the hustle bustle city and all the stressful living and chill out myself there !
yes.I love sabah indeed !everyone there is relaxed and patience.No one will hon you like in malaysia when you drive slowly on the road.Their lifestyle is abit different from us.

What to said,snorkeling become one of my favorite sport right now.I do feel the peace when i was diving into the water.The only sound you can hear is the flew of sand under the water and you saw all the fish swimming around you and the beautiful coral !Good exploring i been !but the only thing I hated is I  having motion sickness so i cannot go very far due to the reason of water wave is getting bigger which caused me vomit.But nothing gonna to change my dedication to explore futher.I will be back again!
The next i'm going to introduce is Food over there!yummy yummy and yummy !food there are making me so exicited which i cannot found it in kuala lumpur.we Craving alot of seafood,various type of bread,pork and so on.Super delicious !There is another food heaven rather than in kl !*only the few photo will be uploaded=)


This will be my second greatest moment! sunset bar !
having a whiskey + coke while enjoying the sunset !The best moment !very best !
Haha !Dont forgot the main purpose of sabah trip is actually visit the work done as i involve a project before this!Yeah, touching indeed !My very first project during my internship and is complete !My very frst time to see the actual outcome after so many drawing i drawn before.Appreciate my internship company giving me the chance to join their team!It means so much to me!**more photo will be upload soon.
 imago everrise kota kinabalu
 So much gratitude thay I can having the sabah trip with yb gang although i no longer working there !thanks for the good care are given to me =)


 full of surprise for my month of april 2015.
I will keep all the best memories until the end of life !
sabah is the first step of exploring and i believe that it would be more and more coming soon.
Thanks for making me happy .
April grow me alots
i'm going to start my new phase in life.
Life have no second choice.
Take the challenges and grab all the experience you can get
Yes.I start it right now !
start my april with the convocation and achievement,
end my april with sabah trip and those great moment and experience !
I love my life !
Thanks you April!


Friday, April 17, 2015

A beginning of dreams

Dear everyone who loving me and myself,

Time flies...I'm officially graduated !

3 years ago,
I insist on studied the subject of interior design even though the opposition of family. I admit I couldn't really make a decision without asking others people opinion at all time. Lack of confidence and there was alot of worries in my mind all time. But the only persistence I remain and responsibility i willing to take is the decision to select interior design as my career !

I do promised myself to do something to prove to my family especially my dad. Although he not attend to my convocation due to some reason but his face expression telling me he does proud of me. And i promises myself once again,I want to show him again for my next degree convocation and make sure he is attend.

All the hard time I go through .All the stress,assignment,Ot which cause me insomnia for all time. I always believe everything are fair. No one born for unlucky ,its depend on how you changed your life become even better. For those friends who understand me well, they knew what is the main reason i worked and studied so hard for my past three years. Its not only all about the dreams I want to achieve but other else.

Day by day, Ot and stress become a way of my life from 2012 until 2015. working and learning non-stop. Creative Collaborative Centre -office design i done during my final assessment. I satisfied the outcome and topic. A contribution and reverence for all the designer and architect. Sometimes people don't know what we are doing and always misunderstood us but we know who we are.

Final assessment brought me into different opportunity of my career from a company or people, so much thankful for this. I never expected that i could get those compliment and opportunity.Thank for the invited =) But i wouldn't be over confidence and still remain humble on my following education path with full of power and determination. There is long ways to go! I will never let go the passionate for design !

A day before the convocation.,one of the lecturer who sms me and told me all the touching words .He told me lecturers are nominating me as the best student.Feeling thankful for all people who always gave me good things in my life.All my effort are worthy for the past three year.Mr James and Miss intan,you two always in my mind.A lecturer-Mr james who always sent me motivation quote for about the past 6 month.His determination to motivate me totally touching my heart.A lecturer-Miss intan who always giving me chance to join big competition to built up my experiences although i didn't get any award but she didn't giving up on me but willing to help me all time.Both of them are my most respected people.Most of my achievement are all glory to both of you .Thanks you Mr james always guide me as a father ,and miss intan guide me as a mother ( opps,not so old but sisters maybe) They are not only my lecturer but always became my mentor to listen to my problem .

Actually i'm not sure what kind of award i will get until I attend to the convo.when I open the booklet and I saw my name inside -Best student award in diploma interior design, Outstanding performance award for final project and book prizes. The time only I realized imma the distinction student ! How awesome is the feeling is !when my name was announced by the mc ,I almost forgot all the toughest moment and stress before. Only the 3 minit on stage but its take you 3 years hard work behind the stage. Now I know the feeling =)

2 may 2015
A new month start with new environment and i do take new challenges in my life!And I know that no matter how hard it is, I will still able to withstand and stay strong to overcome all the hard task and challenges. Best achievement on my year 21 !. Best gift and memories in my entire life !Those honor moment and applause i will always bare in mind. All those applause were not going to stop me here but become a motivation for me to move on to achieve another higher achievement. Im going to start my degree in kbu at september. Interior Architecture will be my next challenges !

Again thanks to ID85 my classmate and friend.
sun and wei heng,thanks for listening my stress all time.i know imma quite annoying sometimes !haha XD thanks alot from my sincerity !
kee ian ,thanks for always accompany me to the sites and being my body guard and driver !

At last, I want to thanks myself for the past three year. So sorry for my body for hurting you from getting bad gastric and nose bleeding non-stop until enter hospital. Thank for faced the challenges with me until the last second of my diploma life. Thanks myself to achieve the promises from the beginning.

Best beginning of 2015!
The future are belong to those who believes in the beauty of their dreams !

Share my gladness to everyone of you.


Be kind and be strong =)