Friday, May 9, 2014

a worthy achievement

Alright..time flies and my semester 6 has been end on wednesday !
lots of unexplainable feeling i wanna to share
five month,lots of thing been go through..
well,in my college life,yes,finally i found what i was really want to do and and my very first time that having full of determination and passion to achieve something what i really want.
i'm trying to prove myself to my dad or who trying to ignore about interior design
i'm keep trying no matter how much trouble i was facing,almost 2 year i been at college
There is the place who grow me up and make me stronger,
they said there was the different stage of my life,those people or things i meet are totally different.
rather than interior design,yea! im trying on more different thing during this five month anyways ,gona to share something here =) 

a little achivement of myself..
a little girl who dono how to draw,n learning how to draw,until she knw how to draw
she was just keep trying until now ..finally her determination be seen 
although just a small contest,that was a little motivation to prove that there was no regret for my effort, i get 1st runner up in 45min sketches ?
im just surprise that i could do it ...LOL..i should always stay confidence maybe.

The second surprise that happen in my life is I joined the contest of fashion show.Unbelievable there was the second time i join this lol.There was a different experience in my life,some of the feeling couldn't be tell,there was the another experience for me to built up my confidence because i'm trying on different thing.

Third one is my latest id project.Every of my id assignment,i will never let myself to be the last minutes and always make sure everything is well done,from space planning,conceptual drawing,2d drawing,3d drawing or model making,i will never never ignore any of the detail and make sure every part of it is well done,maybe there was the requirement for myself,that why on my friend's mind,they always think i'm insane lo..hehe..try to improve myself with different thing for every semester and never give up.A lots of tear,pain or suffer i had been go through.There was still lot of imperfect can be found but i will keep trying on and do it correctly ! 

There was another achievement -3D drawing,how much effort i put on it cannot be countable and there was lots of effort and time to finish it ..from i not sure i can do until i finish it and i was just realize that nothing is impossible until it's done.There was a little encouraged for u guys also la !

Another good news also!one of my subject I get A+.Since result haven't out yet.Last time my lecture just call me in the sudden,and i thought what was happen lo!
n he told me that he had already mark all the exam paper that we take yesterday,and he told me that my answer is almost perfectly..i was like what?! are you kidding to me,n he trying to show me my result and i score 39/40 and my project is 56/60. That's 95 !! Unbelieveable ! are you kidding me,i trying to mention! haha XD so happy and touch that my effort can be seen,and seriously there was no any regret on this semester ! 

ok,alright,next 2 week my intern is start !another stage to achieve my dream!
the most excited one is my dad,from my effort and my result i have show him,it seen like he was already accepted about my career and respect the choice i had decided. .2years ! finally he accepted ?or maybe not ?at least he have the interested on my portfolio and show off to his friends ! ?hehe XD another achievement for myself eh ?!

i wish i can trying on different thing on my following month lur ~
add oil! meng chyi! keep going on ! 

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